Appreciating the Little Things.

Quarantine. I know that we are all knee-deep in the Shelter in Place order. But it doesn’t have to be all bad.

Here’s a short little list of some of the things I’ve grown to value during this crisis:

  • Sleeping in. This has been difficult for me to really get behind because I’m so used to starting my day between 4:30-5:00am, but I absolutely love sleeping in until 730am-8:00am. (Any later though, and I feel like I’m wasting the day away).
  • Not wearing a bra daily. Since this whole thing, I’ve only worn a bra maybe once a week. I feel so much more comfortable! Men won’t understand this, but women, do you feel me on this??
  • Not having to wear makeup every single day. Don’t get me wrong, I simply adore how makeup accentuates my features, like my eyes (I think I have lovely eyes), but I’m happy not to have to worry about making the perfect “wing” every morning at 5:30am, or whether or not my brows are twins or just “sisters”.
  • I don’t have tummy issues like I used to! Seriously, while I’m at the office, I am constantly having to take way more antacids or charcoal tabs to digest properly. I’m regular again! The stress is real, and I know that work plays a huge factor in that.
  • Not having to start most mornings with coffee. Since I’ve been waking up naturally, I don’t need to run to the kitchen for a cuppa joe to kick-start my brain into waking up. Wanna know a secret? I’ve switched to decaf! I love the coffee, but save the good stuff for when I need that extra boost, which isn’t very often anymore.
  • Nasal spray. This is a weird one, right? Not really. Most every single morning I walk into the building only to have to pull out the bottle and give myself a couple of spritzes. I don’t know what it is, but it’s like my nasal passages instantly block up the moment I pass through those doors and breathing becomes a problem fast.  Seriously, what is up with that?
  • Traffic jams. When I worked in the big city, it would take sometimes two hours to get home. My current commute is not as long per se (on a bad day it could take an hour or more, and on a good day, it takes 40 minutes. On a day with no traffic it takes a measly 25 minutes), but having to deal with bad drivers, road rage, etc., was wearing on me. Now, there is a lack of wear and tear on my car and it is a blessing in disguise. I don’t have to put gas in every week and now I actually look forward to a ride in my vehicle!
  • Windows. Yes, windows! Monday through Friday, I sit in a cube and face a wall. There are no windows to watch the trees sway in the breeze, or the birds shitting on the cars. I decorate my cube with my own brand of art and little things that bring me joy, but it’s not the same as having a window to look out of.  At home, there are not only windows, but there is a lovely porch and a patio to enjoy nature! This is my happy.
  • Food. Instead of snacking all day long, and trying to fit in three squares, I eat a good breakfast, a large lunch, and have small bites before its time to retire for the evening. Holy cats, I wake up feeling SO much better!
  • Showers aren’t a mandatory, daily thing anymore. My hair feels so much healthier and I don’t wake up looking like I haven’t washed in 30 days.

the bottom line is yes, the world seems to be falling apart, and at some point, I’ll have to go back to being a productive member of society, but there are things I will cherish right now. I have bigger issues of course: depression, anxiety, and a huge fear of the uncertainty of our future, but I’m taking this time to give thanks for what I have. No matter how long it lasts.

Is there anything that you are finding peace with or anything that helps you in this time of lockdown, feel a little bit better?

Until next time, darlings.


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